Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Ridiculous

Valeria sighed as she let her head fall back and leaned on the iron rail in front of the little café.  “Couldn’t you have worn something more…ladylike?” her grandmother asked, eyeing Valeria’s baggy t-shirt, jeans that were a little too long, and worn sneakers.
“Abuelita, it would be a lie if I dressed differently,” she replied with a slight laugh.
Her grandmother rolled her eyes and walked toward the door.  “They’ll be here soon.”
Valeria nodded.  “I’ll come in in a second.”
As her grandmother entered the café, a light breeze blew back Valeria’s jet black hair from her face.  She closed her eyes and shook her head.  “Who makes that kind of pact, really?”
Earlier that month, on Valeria’s eighteenth birthday, her grandmother had received a letter from a man her husband had befriended in Korea when he was in the Navy.  Its contents reminded her of a promise her husband had told her about when he’d returned home.


“Elijio said there was a man in Korea who saved his life,” she told the family as she read the letter over and over.  “He said he was on the brink of death when the man rescued him and brought him back to life.  He said he and that man grew to be great friends and decided that their connection must be a very strong one for that man to be the only one around when Elijio was in danger of losing his life.  With that belief in mind, my husband decided this,” she read from the letter, “‘In order to repay you for your great kindness, and to be sure our connection remains far past our ends, I promise you one of my grandchildren.’”
Valeria’s father raised an eyebrow with irritation.  “What does that mean, Mom?”
She shushed him quickly.  “I am not finished!”  She read on, “‘If my grandchild comes to love your grandchild, and your grandchild mine, then both our families will for the rest of time have good fortune, I am sure of it.’ Why are you shaking your head, Ray?”
Valeria’s father answered honestly.  “That doesn’t make sense.  I knew Dad was crazy, but who really makes a promise like that?  It’s ridiculous.  What’s the point?”  He waved his hand as though to wipe away the promise.
“This man saved your father’s life!  You would not be alive if it weren’t for him!”
“But why grandchildren? Why not children?”
“Because the man only had a daughter who was already married and his wife was too weak to bare any more children!”
Ray crossed his arms.  “I still think it’s stupid.”
With a dismissive scoff, Valeria’s grandmother read further.  “He has a grandson who he is bringing to America in a few weeks.”  A smile spread across her face quickly.
Seeing the smile, Ray looked at her seriously.  “No, Mom.”
“It is not your decision!” She snapped.  Turning to Valeria, she smiled again.  “You will meet the boy won’t you?  At least meet him?  To honor your dear, deceased grandfather?”
Valeria wiped her face with her hand, unable to deny her grandmother anything when she pleaded with her like that.  “Sure.  I’ll meet the guy.”  Ray looked at her incredulously and somewhat angrily.  “What? It’s not like I agreed to marry the guy!”  Ray shook his head in disappointment and left the room, Valeria’s mother following after him.
Valeria’s twin five year old little brothers tugged on her jeans.  “Vale, Vale, you going to marry him?”
Valeria knelt down and ruffled their hair.  “I don’t even know him!” she laughed.  “It’s late.  Go get ready for your baths, ok?”  The boys grinned widely and raced up the hall.
“Little Miguel and Edgar really love you.”
Valeria looked up at her grandmother and smiled.  “They’re good boys.”


With a smile on her face, Valeria opened her eyes again.  She took a deep breath and pushed off of the rail before heading inside the café.


SangHyun looked over at his grandfather as they rode in the taxi toward their destination.  “What is it?” his grandfather asked in his low, raspy voice.
SangHyun debated whether or not to speak openly.  “Grandfather…doesn’t this seem a bit ridiculous?”
His grandfather chuckled.  “Of course you would feel that way.  Suddenly hearing that an old friend of mine and I want you to marry his granddaughter is undeniably shocking.”
As they pulled up to the café, SangHyun sighed heavily.  He knew nothing he said would change his grandfather’s mind.  The only reason he had agreed to meet the girl was because he could tell his grandfather was reaching the end of his life and he wanted to humor him at least this much.  They got out of the taxi and went into the café.  SangHyun’s grandfather quickly spotted Valeria and her grandmother.  He shuffled over to them.  “Maria?” he asked.
Valeria’s grandmother turned and smiled at him.  “Yes.  And you are…HyunSu?”
HyunSu nodded happily.  “May we sit?” he asked, nodding toward SangHyun.
“Of course.”  Maria stomped on Valeria’s foot under the table.  Valeria quickly closed her mouth.  She had been staring in awe at SangHyun.  The moment she saw him, she’d recognized him as Thunder from the Korean group MBLAQ.  Even though she knew it was impolite to stare, she couldn’t help it.  There he was, one of her favorite Korean idols, right in front of her.  Not only that, but he was the one her grandmother was hoping she’d fall in love with and eventually marry.  All at once her emotions and hormones ran wild and it took all she had to not squeal with glee and pounce on him.  “Was your trip tiring?”
“Yes, but it was certainly worth it.”  He turned to Valeria.  “This is your granddaughter?”
Maria nodded.  “H-hello, Sir,” Valeria greeted him nervously, tearing her eyes away from SangHyun.
“Please, call me 할아버지 (grandfather),” he said with a chuckle.
그렇게 농담 (Don’t joke like that),” SangHyun whispered somewhat reproachfully and a little embarrassedly.
, 진정 (Oh, call down),” HyunSu responded quickly.  He noticed the awkward and nervous look on Valeria’s face and said, “Why don’t you take her somewhere to talk?  I’m sure you want to stretch your legs some after our long plane ride.”
“That’s alright, I’m-” seeing the insistent look on his grandfather’s face cut him short.  With a shake of his head and a small smile, he conceded. “Alright.”
Valeria looked at her grandmother, who nodded at her.  “Excuse me, then.”  She stood up and followed SangHyun out the door.  They had walked for a little while without speaking when they came to a little park.  Valeria spotted some children playing happily and stopped to watch them.  They reminded her of her brothers.  She started to wonder what they were doing.  Normally, she would be watching them right now.  Maybe they’d be on a walk, or playing in the yard, or shopping for groceries.
SangHyun noticed the disappearance of the footsteps behind him and looked back.  He walked over to Valeria and looked to see what had caught her attention.  He looked back and forth between her and the children before asking, “What is it?”
His voice alerted her to his presence and she turned to face him.  Seeing how close he was made her step back a little.  “They reminded me of my brothers.”
“You have brothers?”
She nodded, looking back at the kids.  “An older one – he’s in the army right now – and a younger pair of twins.”  She grinned as she thought of them.  “They’re adorable.”
The sight of her smile made him smile.  “How old?”
“What’re their names?”
“Miguel and Edgar.”
“What’s your name?”
“What’s my name?”
“CheonDoong.”  She gasped as soon as she’d said it.
SangHyun laughed.  “I knew it.  I knew you recognized me.  You know MBLAQ?”
Unable to suppress her giddiness any longer, she practically hopped as she corrected him.  “I love MBLAQ!”
SangHyun flashed a wide smile of appreciation.  “I’m glad.”  After a short pause, he asked awkwardly, “Do you have a favorite?”
With a slight blush, she answered, “Mir.”
SangHyun nodded, feeling a little disappointed.  There was a silence before he said, “Valeria, you seem like a nice girl so I’ll just go ahead and tell you honestly.”  Surprised and confused, she looked up at him and waited for him to continue.  “I only came here because I knew it would please my grandfather.  It was nice meeting you, but we probably won’t see each other again.”  She nodded.  She’d been expecting something like this.  “I don’t mean anything bad when I say that, it’s just,” he trailed off and she nodded some more.  “Let’s head back?”
When they arrived back at the café they were greeted with huge smiles.  “Good news!” HyunSu said.  “We’ve been invited to stay at their home!”
SangHyun looked at his grandfather incredulously.  “I thought we were staying in a hotel.”
HyunSu looked away and pretended to whistle.  “Did I say that?  Must have forgotten to actually book a reservation.”
할아버지 (grandfather),” SangHyun said pleadingly, trying to reason with him.
내가 늙어 재미를 망치게하지 않습니다. (I’m old, don’t ruin my fun),” HyunSu replied plainly.  SangHyun sighed knowing arguing was useless, which made HyunSu grin.  “Let’s get going then!”

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